As a young person, it was very important for me to feel alive!
I have always been very physically active, and once dreamed of becoming a dancer. But by chance I happened to meet some cool guys who were doing stunts and I started training with them instead. It was very challenging both mentally and physically. And I loved it. This led to 4 years of education, and thereafter 6 years as a professional stuntman.
Since then, I have had to luck to work 13 years as tour rep and stewardess as well as more than 10 years in fashion. Life has certainly brought me adventures and fun.
But neither these challenges and professions has given me the feeling of belonging or calm. I found that in Yoga. Yoga challenges me mentally and physically. It keeps me grounded, when I need to adapt to changes, and it help me to remain calm when I cannot control what is happening around me. When I get comfortable, it pushes my limits and when life shows itself from its harder side, it reminds me that everything has its way. Even this shall pass.
Thanks to yoga, I do not have to challenge fate, nor travel around the globe or surround myself with expensive designer stuff. I just need to breathe, I need my own practice and discipline and I need those I love in my life. I know my fortune, and I appreciate life with all I am.